Tokyo, officially the Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital of Japan and the most populous city in the world with a population of over 14 million residents as of 2023. The Tokyo metropolitan area, which includes Tokyo and three neighboring Japanese prefectures, Tochigi, Gunma, and Ibaraki, is 13,452 square kilometers or 5,194 square miles and the world’s most-populous metropolitan area with 40.8 million residents as of 2023. 

Things to do:
Experience Tokyo’s Culture and Cuisine with a private guide via public transportation. Your first stop is the Tsukiji outdoor market. This bustling marketplace is a paradise for food lovers, with vendors selling everything from fresh seafood to delicious street food snacks. Your guide will help you navigate the market and introduce you to some of the best local dishes.

(707) 484-3932 | 800- 939-5894

4115 19th St.
San Francisco, CA 94114

Blue Sky Vacations is an Independent Contractor
Affiliated with Yankee Clipper Travel of San Francisco.
CST 2057689-40

Monday: 10a-1p; 2p-5p

Tuesday: 10a-1p; 2p-5p

Wednesday: 10a-1p; 2p-5p

Thursday: 10a-1p; 2p-5p

Friday: 10a-1p; 2p-5p

Saturday: By Appointment

Sunday: Closed


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